This week, I asked 15 questions over Twitter in service of All In? A Twitter Research Project. I asked between 2 - 4 questions a day, between Monday 4th - Friday 8th April.
Yes yes, all very interesting, just gimme the form
Or, if you fancy a bit more detail about the approach, keep reading...
I noticed that the number of people who agreed to take part and the number of people who actually took part was significantly different. I expected that this would be the case - the messy environment of Twitter, the fact that the research was conducted "in public" contributed to people missing questions and or choosing not to answer them publicly.
I noticed that the number of people who agreed to take part and the number of people who actually took part was significantly different. I expected that this would be the case - the messy environment of Twitter, the fact that the research was conducted "in public" contributed to people missing questions and or choosing not to answer them publicly.
In my research, I'm interested in two (main) things:
1. the experience of conducting research in the public, messy environment of Twitter (and the answers people gave in this environment) - including what it felt like for me to ask the questions and turn my account over to the process
2. people's answers to the questions themselves (and how a more private response process might affect the responses I got)
I've set up a Google Form for provide a different format to collect people's responses to the open Twitter research (you'll find it below). In it, I've put all the research questions in one place.
I'd like to invite whose of you who would still like to take part in the research (but for whatever reasons didn't do so during the w/c 4th April) to fill out the form below. I'd be really interested in your responses.
Or, if you did take part in the open Twitter phase of the research, but would like to respond more fully, or in private, I'd love to have your additional contributions.
I'd like to invite whose of you who would still like to take part in the research (but for whatever reasons didn't do so during the w/c 4th April) to fill out the form below. I'd be really interested in your responses.
Or, if you did take part in the open Twitter phase of the research, but would like to respond more fully, or in private, I'd love to have your additional contributions.
I have edited the questions in the form only in that I've taken out the hashtag (#AllInResearch) that helped to organise the questions and responses on Twitter, and to expand words I had to contract for space purposes. I have added two extra questions - the first (to identify respondents) and the second to last (about the different ways of taking part in the research).
Find the form here.
I'd be really grateful and interested to hear your thoughts about how you think about how "are" on Twitter.
I'll post to my @Erica_Jane_MP twitter account when there are some results/impressions to share from the research. Thanks for your help!